There are hundreds of Essential Oils, just as there are hundreds of plants in nature.
But not all oils are the same, not all plants have the same properties, and even within the same plant, different oils can be extracted, with different properties and different benefits/risks.
That's why it can be quite expensive to have a certain essential oil, due to the need for specific raw materials, or the rarity of the plant in question.
Making essential oils is like making wine. We use only grapes, or we can use anything.
So clearly we have different results.
We can use native plants, in nature, often seasonal, or we can use greenhouse plants, grown anywhere or in intensive production. (Eating an apple from an orchard or from a greenhouse is not the same thing, is it?)
So clearly we have different results.
With the same plants we can try to extract several times, which clearly affects the quality and benefits extracted throughout the process.
Does all this make sense to you?
I am at your disposal to help you understand more about this wonderful aromatic world 🙂